Liliidae Home & Design

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It’s honestly pretty hard to believe that August is on it’s way out and September is here…so many changes happening again in September (hello school!). The beginning of August was consumed with preparations and plans for our 1 Year Celebration. In between working on the projects we had on the go, we were planning, prepping, and trying to get the store ready for our event. And it turned out SO GOOD!

We were so thrilled with how everything came together and how the day turned out. We were so grateful that many of our reps were here to help and answer questions regarding flooring, cabinetry, countertops, and brick/stone. We absolutely love our reps and having them here to celebrate with us, made the day that much better.

Our back wall winning design was announced, and again we were so thrilled with the amount of votes that came in. We were so happy with all three designs, we would have been proud to have any of them on our wall, but Prairie Proud was a clear winner. Transformations on the back wall will be starting in September…goodbye ugly wall!

Having a market was a dream that Julie and I had been wanting to do for a long time (probably since the store opened haha). We couldn’t have dreamed that it would go so well. Even with all the social distancing that Covid has brought, everyone had such a great day. We love being a part of this community and it was so fun to bring in artisans and local makers and local businesses that we love collaborating with. Thank you to all our vendors and helpers who came and shared the day with us. We loved having you here with us!

Honestly, we were so disappointed when we had to cancel our Grand Opening event. We had put so much time and effort into it, all to be cancelled. And although that event would have been so fun, I think this one turned out that much better.

The entire event was exactly how we had pictured.

If you’re wishing that you had been able to come….we are hoping to make it happen again!

Again, we are so grateful to be a part of this community. We have loved working with you on your projects, helping you create the spaces in your home that you’ve been dreaming about, and seeing all of it come to life.


Steve / Julie / Jess